In 2015 #GetInTouchForHutch introduced our very first Buddy Bench to St. John’s Catholic School in Arthur. As part of our commitment to making a difference for youth, the key areas that we are focusing on with the Buddy Bench project include fostering friendships, supporting kindness and inclusion, providing awareness on our Mental Health message of #NeverAlone and to promote an opportunity for conversations to begin on the playground.
The feedback from students, teachers and principals have been so positive that #GetInTouchForHutch has committed to continuing the roll-out of more benches throughout 2019. More than 40 benches have been placed in schools in the Upper Grand School Board and two within the Arthur community to date.
The Buddy Bench Project is a joint financial contribution between the Parent Council or School and #GetInTouchForHutch.
With the commitment of the bench, you will receive support from our committee on implementation of the bench and presentations. If your school or organization is interested in breaking down the walls of Stigma attached to Mental Illness and want to start a conversation, please contact Myrna Hutchison at getintouchforhutchh@hotmail.com.